

fmcment -- compute the complement of a machine


fmcment fm

fmcment <fm


fmcment computes the complement of fm and writes the result on the standard output. fmcment performs subset construction if the machine is not deterministic, and completion if the machine is incomplete.

fm must conform to the Grail format for machines.

The complement of a machine accepts any string not accepted by the original machine. Complement is defined in terms of the underlying alphabet of the machine. Since Grail machines do not contain a separate specification of their underlying alphabet, fmcment assumes that the alphabet used in the input machine is the underlying alphabet. Thus, fmcment computes the complement only with respect to the symbols that appear in the original machine. In order to compute complement with respect to an alphabet containing symbols that are not in the original machine, it is necessary to add instructions from a start state to a new non-final state, one instruction for each missing symbol. The new state should be the source of no instructions.


% cat dfm1
(START) |- 0
0 a 1
1 b 2
2 -| (FINAL)

% fmcment dfm1
(START) |- 0
0 a 1
1 b 2
0 b 3
2 a 3
2 b 3
1 a 3
3 a 3
3 b 3
0 -| (FINAL)
3 -| (FINAL)
1 -| (FINAL)

% cat nfm2
(START) |- 1
1 a 2
1 a 3
1 a 4
2 -| (FINAL)
3 -| (FINAL)
4 -| (FINAL)

% fmcment <nfm2
(START) |- 0
0 a 1
1 a 2
2 a 2
0 -| (FINAL)
2 -| (FINAL)


Darrell Raymond and Derick Wood, the Grail project

See also
